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sexta-feira, 17 de abril de 2009

A história desta mulher é muito interessante. Ela tem uma voz espetacular, está com 47 anos, nunca se casou, cuidou dos pais até o ano passado e apenas alguns conhecidos e amigos sabiam de seu talento. Após a morte da mãe, Susan Boyle resolveu ir ao programa de calouros britanico e ali fez sua grande apresentação, emocionando a todos e mostrando que não se deve desqualificar alguém pela aparência. Vale a pena ver o vídeo e depois ler a história abaixo, transcria do site:

Courage from Mom, Inspiration for a World

By Scott Williams

By now, it's likely that you've seen the YouTube clip of Susan Boyle, the unlikely new star who broke a two year musical silence with her performance on the popular reality show, Britain's Got Talent. The performance was Saturday, and by Thursday morning, different versions of the video had attracted more than 20 million views on YouTube alone.

As incredible as the performance was, the emerging details behind her appearance are just as uplifting.

For the past several years, the 48-year-old single woman has revealed her gift to only a few, by her own choice. Though she has dreamed for years about becoming a professional singer, her commitments have been to her mother.

Susan is the youngest of nine children. Growing up, she was ridiculed by classmates for her looks, as well as learning disabilities, the result of being oxygen deprived at birth. She never married, and since her father died a decade ago, she lived with her mother, providing care for her until she died two years ago at age 91.

Until that day, she had shared her gift with small audiences in the two social centers of her community—the church where she volunteers, and the local pub, where she sang karaoke. And with one other audience... her mom.

For years, Bridget Boyle had encouraged her daughter to pursue a professional vocal career and even to try out for, Britain's Got Talent, but Susan never could muster the courage.

Until last week. What gave her the courage she needed was the desire to give tribute to her mother by performing the song, "I Dreamed a Dream," from the excellent musical, "Les Miserables," based on Victor Hugo's literary masterpiece about redemption.

In an American Idol (and British Idol) culture that focuses so much on looks and marketability, so many people are dismissed as meaningless without so much as a thought. That's why parents are so important. A parent knows the hidden qualities of each of their children. A wise parent brings them out and encourages each child to develop those gifts and pursue those dreams.

And so to parents, as you watch this video, think of ways that you can help your child bless the Lord by using those gifts they are given. And children, don't forget that parents often see things that you can't and that others around you won't. Listen to their counsel. Who knows if you might be the next Susan Boyle, ready to bless the world in spite of itself.

In case you're interested, here are a few additional perspectives on the Susan Boyle phenomenon.

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